Where We Take Good Men And Make Them Better!
Jamal Garrett.,
Worshipful Master
Jamal Garrett.,
Worshipful Master
Year: 2025
The Gwinnett Masonic Study Club (GMSC,) was co-founded by Bro. Allan B. Butler 32°, and Bro. James 0. Hampton 33°. Relatively new to the North Metro Atlanta area, these brothers met in August 1994 and began discussing their common desire to fellowship with other Prince Hall Masons in the area. They agreed to begin keeping records, and a count of the number of Masons that they met over the next few weeks.
Several weeks later, Bro. Butler and Bro. Hampton discussed the count, and decided to request permission from the Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Master Jurisdiction of Georgia, to bring the brothers together and meet as a Masonic Study Club.
The request was approved by Past Grand Master Neal A. McQueen 33°. Past Master Charles Ferguson 33° of Eden Lodge# 46 was assigned as the Grand Lodge point of contact (and counselor) for the study club. The Gwinnett Masonic Study Club received strong support from Plymouth Rock lodge# 86 and Eden Lodge# 46 in the months to follow.
On April 27, 1995, X. L. Neal Lodge U.D. was constituted in Norcross, Georgia. On June 14, 1995, during the 126th Communication of the M.W. Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Georgia F. & A.M. - X. L. Neal Lodge was granted a Charter. Hence - X. L. Neal Lodge# 588.
The first elections of X. L. Neal Lodge # 588 were held on December 14, 1995, Bro. Willie Prince 32°, District Deputy Grand Master presiding.
Elected Officers: Bro. James 0. Hampton 33° - Worshipful Master, Bro. Everett White 32° - Senior Warden, Bro. Howard Jones - Junior Warden, Bro. Kevin Brown - Secretary, Bro. George Watson - Treasurer.
Appointed Officers: Bro. Keith Randolph - Senior Deacon, Bro. David Holcomb - Junior Deacon, Bro. John Glover - Senior Steward, Bro. Mickey Salter - Junior Steward, Bro. Edward McDonald - Tyler, Bro. Curtis Rice – Marshal.
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